Welcome to Exodus Christian Academy. ECA is a Catagory IV Church-related “umbrella” school. ECA exists to serve, support, and inform current and potential homeschool families in their call to disciple their children through educational pursuits to the glory of God.

Our offices are located in Tennessee, and we are honored to partner with families across the United States and abroad.

What We Do

Exodus Christian Academy believes that parents are the best educators for their children.  We assist parents in their role as educators through;

    • Umbrella covering to fulfill TNCA 49-50-801(c)
    • Academic advisement/counseling 
    • Record keeping for grades and attendance
    • Transcripts and diplomas for high school students
    • Providing information to local homeschool organizations & events
    • Homeschool planning assistance for young, multi-age, and high school students
    • Curriculum sales and fairs
    • Graduation and prom events
    • Providing information regarding homeschool-relevant legislation
    • Seminars & family connection events

Exodus Christian Academy is classified by the Tennessee Department of Education as a “Category IV Church-Related School” and is exempt from accreditation requirements per TCA 49-50-801. As such, students transferring to public or accredited private schools may be subject to testing for grade level placement [or to determine what credits will be accepted in the case of high school students]. Students graduating from Category IV schools, although often accepted at colleges and universities may also be subject to additional testing requirements in order to be accepted.”

Member of Tennessee Association of Church Related Schools

Where We Are Headed

Our vision for Exodus Christian Academy extends beyond what most homeschoolers think of when they consider an umbrella program.

Our primary goal is to support you in your homeschool journey and strengthen our community. Over the next 3 to 5 years, we look forward to providing greater support to our homeschool community as we grow.

Over the next three years, our staff are praying and working on a Homeschool Resource Center. The Center would be dedicated to making homeschooling more accessible to every family in the Upper Cumberland by offering a curriculum and resource lending library, free group and individual meeting space, and more.

In three to five years, we are working to bring a homeschool fair & convention into our county. This fair will have something for the whole family. The event will include speakers, vendors, and workshops to help support you in the education of your children.

Our Staff & Board

The staff and the Board of ECA are either retired or current homeschooling families who understand all of the joys, bumps, and stops of the homeschool journey.  Together, the staff and Board, have used their experience to make ECA a friendly, affordable, and stress-free umbrella school for your family.

Our Director

Jami Thornsberry is a wife and mom of two children. She has been homeschooling for 15 years. Jami’s oldest child graduated in 2022. She holds a B.A. in Elementary Education, yet her greatest joy has been learning alongside her children in the ways they learn best. Because of the joy she has experienced while homeschooling, Jami strives to inspire and encourage other homeschool families on their journey.

Jami is on staff at Peachtree Learning Center, an arts enrichment homeschool program. She has worked with families and children in various professional capacities for the last 23 years. She has started two non-profit ministries to fulfill God’s mandate to care for orphans and widows.

Jami enjoys reading, playing strategy games, and spending time with friends over coffee at her favorite coffee shop.

Our Associate Director

Adonna Pryor is a wife and mother of four children. She and her husband have homeschooled their children from kindergarten through high school in the middle Tennessee area. Although Adonna has graduated her children from their homeschool, she remains an active member of her local homeschool community. Adonna served as the coordinator for the Upper Cumberland Christian Homeschool Co-op from 2008 until her oldest graduated in 2015. She tutored homeschooled students in math and history at Sharp Arrows Tutorial, and she currently teaches junior and senior high students at Peachtree Learning Center where she has been a faculty member since 2013.

Adonna enjoys spending time with her family, gardening, knitting, and continuing to delve into the depths of God’s Word to learn more about Him and His creation.